Small size, the European Network for the diffusion of performing arts aimed at early childhood (0-6), provides a structure through which to meet, share expertise and exchange knowledge; to develop collaborative projects and disseminate information and research.
Through its networking, Small Size aims to promote an awareness of the significance of performing arts for early childhood with objectives that include increasing children’s creative potential along with the comparison of different European cultural traditions. In addition,
it aims to give value to projects and events that support the development of training and educational programmes for early years educators and artists, and for producers and artists creating productions for the early childhood audiences through widening opportunities for research and collaboration.
Small size is an association representing early years performance across the world. The association can be joined by public and private entities, as well as individuals, from any country in the world.
Since 2013, the Small size association has been a network member of Assitej International. All Small size association members are automatically members of Assitej International regardless of whether they are members of their National Centres.